The Dealership Season 9, Episode 11


Now look, Rick. I'm very close to giving this car, that my celebrity friend is considering, my full endorsement. (Looks out the window) Oooh, Let's see if I can get a smile from these femininas.. (Yells out to them) Hey, Ladies! (Points to the car) It's the Saab 900! What do you think? Can I interest you in a little supplemental restraint?! (They obviously do something to offend him. Kramer reacts with a face) Geez...


(Tapping the door you lift to retrieve your candy on the machine) I think the candy comes out over there.


People can drop change down here, Jerry. And they're too lazy to pick it up.


Either that, or they've got a weird little hang-up about lying face-down in filth. Why don't you just go to the cashier?


The cashier is at lunch - which is where I'd like to be.