The Revenge Season 2, Episode 7


(talking to nobody) I like horses. Maybe I could be a stable boy.


You wanna shoot some pool tonight?


I can't. I'm goin' to a movie.


(talking to nobody) Nah. It's probably a union thing.


People like the idea of revenge. Have you ever heard the expression 'The best revenge is living well' I've said this, in other words it means supposedly the best way to get back at someone is just by being happy and successful in your own life. Sounds nice, doesn't really work on that Charles Bronson. kinda level. You know what I mean, those movies where his whole family gets wiped out by some street scum. You think you could go up to him, 'Charlie forgot about the 357 what you need is a custom-made suit and a convertible. New carpeting, french doors, a divan. That'll show those punks.'