The Bottle Deposit (2) Season 7, Episode 22


No, it's a nine-hundred S. (happy) It's a turbo, Elaine, a turbo!


(sobbing happiness) It's a tu-hur-bo.


Excuse me, did you say turbo? Saab turbo nine-thousand? Is it... (voice breaking) midnight blue?


(condolences) Yes ma'am.


(singing) Nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine bottle and cans in the trunk, nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine bottles and cans. At ten cents a bottle and ten cents a can, we're pulling in five hundred dollars a man. Nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eight bottle and cans in the trunk, nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eight bottles and cans. We fill up with gas, we count up our cash!!...