The Soul Mate Season 8, Episode 2


Children? Who said anything about children? I don't want to have children.


There are some people in this room who would have been very happy to never see this briefcase again. There are people in this room who think they can destroy other people's property and get away with it. Well, let me tell you something about those people. They weren't counting on this brain! And this tape recorder.




You'll have your turn! The truth must be heard. (Plays back the tape.) That's all there was. And yet, it speaks volumes. A low rumple. A metallic 'squink.' A 'glonk.' Someone crying out...'Dear God!' Let's start with, uh...with you, Wyck.


George, Quinn here was moving a chair...he lost his balance and dropped must have fallen on your briefcase, which, for some reason, contained a running tape recorder?