Well, he said he'd drive me here right after. So, I am sitting in his car twenty minutes! He doesn't come down. I am freezing. Then a cop comes by, tells me to get out of the car. He's a city marshal. He's towing the car away. Kramer owes thousands of dollars in back tickets. He was going to tow it with me in the car! So, they tow the car. Now, I am standing outside, and I am freezing, but I cannot leave because I have to tell him what happened to the car. So, finally, he finally comes down with his giant cage filled with doves. He said he was getting special instructions, that each dove has a different diet... So, we're wandering around trying to get a cab, when two of these doves fly out! Now we're running down the street after these doves; I almost got hit by a bus! (Elaine sits in Alton's chair and takes a deep breath.) So how's everything going over here?
Couldn't be better.
Good. 'Cause Dad can make some people a little uncomfortable.
Oh, no, no.