The Susie Season 8, Episode 15


(on phone machine, peeved) George? Are you there? (muttering) I hate that stupid message. (terse) I know you're avoiding me, I'm at the office, please call me, I've gotta talk to you. (hangs up)


(to phone) Hi, Allison? Oh, I guess you're not at home.. I probably should 'ave tried you at the office. Anyway, good to hear from ya, really looking forward to the ball.. (hangs up and happily chuckles) Ha ha!


Can you believe this woman?


(ironic outrage) The nerve. Talkin' about ya behind your back--and right to your face!


No. 'Suze!' I mean, 'Suzie!' 'Suzanne!' 'Suzanna.' Fine! But there is no, way, I'm gonna be a Suze.