The Phone Message Season 2, Episode 4


Um, hi, it's George, George Costanza, remember me? The guy that didn't come up for coffee. You see, I didn't realise that coffee didn't really mean... well, whatever. Anyway, it was fun. It was... it was fun, so... oh boy, um, so... You call me back. If you want. It's up to you, you know, whatever you wanna do. Either way. The ball's in your court. So uh, take it easy.


I'm just gonna get my jacket, I'll meet you downstairs. What's the matter, did you call?


Got her machine. I'm dead, I'm a dead man. That's it. I'm dead, I'm a dead man. Dead man.


What did you say?


I don't know what the hell I said. I gave her an ultimatum and there's nothing I can do. It's a machine. The little light is blinking right now, 'Come and listen to the idiot. Hey everybody, the idiot's on!'