The Millennium Season 8, Episode 20


You wanted to see me, sir?


I heard about what happened at the meeting this morning...


Oh, yes. I already packed up my desk, sir. I can be outta here in an hour.


...and I have to tell you, it's exactly what this organisation needed.


We wanna look to the future, we gotta tear down the past. Babe Ruth was nothing more than a fat old man, with little-girl legs. And here's something I just found out recently. He wasn't really a sultan. Ah, what d'you make of that? Hey, check this out. (he stands to reveal he's wearing baseball pants) Lou Gehrig's pants. Not a bad fit. (a thought occurs) Hey, you don't think that nerve disease of his was contagious, do you? Uh, I better take 'em off. I'm too important to this team. (removes the pants to reveal his boxers) Big Stein can't be flopping and twitching.