The Dealership Season 9, Episode 11


(Looking) Well, it's on 'E'.


You know, Rick, oftentimes, Jerry - he lends me his car and I find myself in a situation where the car is almost out of gas. But, for a variety of reasons, I don't want to be the one responsible for purchasing costly gasoline.


(Pointing out) So, you want to know how far you can drive your friend's car for free.


(In the spotlight, his voice goes high) Well, I make it up to him in other ways.


As you will see, the candy bar is paid for, and yet, remains dangling in the machine. (Notices that the Twix slot is completely empty) Hey, it's gone. Where is my Twix? (Quickly looks around. His sights fall on the window of a door labeled 'Employees Only'. The same mechanic from before is eating a candy bar) What?! That guy's eatin' it!