The Cartoon Season 9, Episode 13


No, no.. It's just a little performance piece I wrote... You know what? You really inspired me,oKay, a tear.


Ah! There you are.(Kramer motions silence)


Aw.. right, code of silence.. how's that going?....Ha!!...


Hi everybody think you're really going to like this 'cos it' about me...All right it's not just about me It's about me and this guy; Jerry Seinfeld. who I like to call; The Devil...Okay, Okay so.. I run into this Jerry on the street and he says to me ' Sally, You stink, You should give up acting.' Oh! I'm doing Jerry Now so you've got imagine I have ; horns, a tail and hooks instead of feet. (big laughs from the audience and Kramer is cracking up)


(to Kramer) Oh! Shut up!!!