The Busboy Season 2, Episode 12


..You know, cats run away all the time. You know, my aunt, she had a cat. Ran away. Showed up three years later.. you never know. They got things in


(Gestures for Kramer to shut up) Once again, Antonio, I can't even begin to say how deeply, deeply sorry I am about everything. The job, the cat.. (A lamp breaks) the lamp.


The wire was sticking out.. (Fits the two broken pieces together) Yeah.


(Hands Antonio a card) Here's my card. I'm in real estate, so, if you're ever looking for something bigger, something nicer.. (Antonio is staring at him, angered) ..maybe not right now. Anyway.. (Extends his hand for a handshake. Antonio doesn't move)


You oughta get that wire fixed. (They go to leave) I got the door. (Shuts the door, the broken lamp falls to the floor)