The Truth Season 3, Episode 2


Hey, I'm getting in on that.


You know you're chippin' in.


You're going that way anyway!


I was audited last year. At first I thought well, IRS kinda sounds like Toys R Us maybe won't be so bad. Maybe they have a sense of fun about it, you know. But it's it's bad. It's an ordeal. And they don't do anything to keep your spirits up through the ordeal. I think they should take all your receipts and put them in one of those big Lucite sweepstake drums and just kinda crank it around there. You know give me a feeling like you might win something. You know what I mean? Then they can pull them out one by one and go 'Oh, I'm sorry that's another illegal deduction. But we do have some lovely parting gifts for you. Jail!'