The Library Season 3, Episode 5


(to George) Was he out there?


Na, he's gone. I wonder what happened to him.


I guess we'll never know.


Can't stand ya, (laughing) Can't stand ya. (pan to TROPIC OF CANCER on ground)


Any day that you had gym it was a weird school day, you know what I mean because it kind of like started of kind of normal. You have like English, Geometry, Social Studies and then suddenly you're like in Lord of The Flies for 40 minutes you know you're hangin' from a rope. You have hardly any clothes on. Teachers are yellin' at ya' 'Where's your jock strap?' Ya' know and kids are throwin' dodge balls at you. You're tryin' to survive ... Then its History, Science, Language. There's something off in the entire flow of that day.