The Trip (2) Season 4, Episode 2


All right, I'll call 911. Think he did it? Could've he done it? Couldn't done it? How could've he done it? Couldn't be? Could it? Hello 911? How are you? I'm sorry it was just a reflex...I know it's an emergency is an friend is being accused of being a smog strangler and I know he didn't do it...they're putting me trough to the detective in charge of the investigation...what is my name? Who am I? I'm eh...George Costanza...


What's the matter with you? Are you crazy? Why are you using my name?!


Oh, don't be a baby! What are you scared of?


What am I scared of? I'm scared of the same thing that you are, everything! Why don't you just use your own name?


Your name is a good name, Costanza. Sounds like it's stands for something, they'll believe us.