The Doodle Season 6, Episode 20


There's nothing pleasant about it, so lets just cut the crap.. You gave me fleas. I know it and you know it..


Fleas? Bwa ha ha ha ha .That's preposterous. How can I , give you fleas. Now if you don't mind...


Oh! but I do. There's probably fleas crawling all over your little snack bar. ( as he says this Newman is wildly scratching behind his back. he suddenly stops when Jerry turns around)


So , you have fleas. Maybe you keep your house in a state of disrepair. Maybe you live in squalor.


You know Newman , the thing about fleas is that they irritate the skin and they start to...itch. Oh! maybe you can hold out five seconds or ten, maybe fifteen or twenty but after a while, no matter how much will power a person may have. It won't matter, because they're crawling , crawling on your skin. Up your legs , up your spine , up your back.....