The Watch (2) Season 4, Episode 6


(indicates the new wallet) It's velcro.


You're kidding.


Who needs this?


Leo, let's go.


...main difference between the women's wallet and the man's wallet, is the photo section. True? Women carry with them a photograph of every person they've ever met, every day in their whole lives, since the beginning of time. And every picture is out of date. You know what I mean? It's, 'Here's my cousin, three years old. She's in the marines now.' 'This is my dog. He died during the Johnson administration.' You know. You get stopped by a cop, no licence, no registration, (waves imaginary wallet) 'Here's fifty-six people that know me.' Cop goes. 'Alright, ma'am, just wanted to make sure you had some friends, move it along. Routine pal check.'