The Opera Season 4, Episode 9


I'm not his girlfriend. We dated for a while, but things didn't really work out.


You people make me sick.


That is one angry clown!


The hardest part about being a clown, it seems to me, would be that you're constantly referred to as a clown. 'Who was that clown?', 'I'm not working with that clown, did you hire that clown?', 'The guy's a clown!'. How do you even start into being a clown, how do you know that you want to be a clown, I guess you get to a point where you're pants look so bad, it's actually easier to become a clown than having the proper alterations done. Because if you think about it, a clown, if there isn't a circus around them, is really just a very annoying person. You're in the back seat of this guys Volkswagen, 'What, you're picking somebody else up? Oh man!'


(Singing) Camera, curtains, lights - This is it, we'll hit the heights - Oh what heights we'll hit - On with the show this is it!