The Opera Season 4, Episode 9


The hardest part about being a clown, it seems to me, would be that you're constantly referred to as a clown. 'Who was that clown?', 'I'm not working with that clown, did you hire that clown?', 'The guy's a clown!'. How do you even start into being a clown, how do you know that you want to be a clown, I guess you get to a point where you're pants look so bad, it's actually easier to become a clown than having the proper alterations done. Because if you think about it, a clown, if there isn't a circus around them, is really just a very annoying person. You're in the back seat of this guys Volkswagen, 'What, you're picking somebody else up? Oh man!'


(Singing) Camera, curtains, lights - This is it, we'll hit the heights - Oh what heights we'll hit - On with the show this is it!


You know, it is so sad, all your knowledge of high culture comes from bugs bunny cartoons.


Oh there's that clown again, what does he want from me. Look I?m serious, I?m not kidding, I don't have the quarter, that guy took it.


I don't want any money.