The Airport Season 4, Episode 12


Oh, no, please, don't send me back there. Please, I'll do anything. It's so nice up here. It's so comfortable up here. I don't want to go back there. Please don't send me back there... [She notices another attendant offering goods] Oh, you got *cookies*!


You're going to have to go back to your seat!


Ok, fine. I'll go back... You know, our goal should be a society *without* *classes*! [She goes through the curtain to, ick, *coach*] Do you realise that the people up here are getting *cookies*!


What is all the racket back there? You know, you're trying to relax on the plane and this is what you have to put up with. [To attendant] What is going on?


Sir, this woman tried to *sneak* into first class.