The Pilot (1) Season 4, Episode 23


When I asked him if it was cancer, he didn't give me a 'get outta here'. That's what I wanted to hear: 'Cancer? Get outta here?'


Well, maybe he doesn't have a 'get outta here' kind of personality.


How could you be a doctor and not say 'get outta here'? It should be part of the training at medical school: 'Cancer? Get outta here!' 'Go home! What are you crazy? It's a little test. It's nothing. You're a real nut. You know that?' (Jerry gives him half of his sandwich to hopefully shut him up) I told you that God would never let me be successful. I never should've written that pilot. Now the show will be a big hit, we'll make millions of dollars, and I'll be dead. Dead Jerry. Because of this. (showing his lip)


Can't you at least die with a little dignity?


No I can't. I can't die with dignity. I have no dignity. I want to be the one person who doesn't die with dignity. I live my whole life in shame. Why should I die with dignity?