The Bris Season 5, Episode 5


Alright, I'm waiting. I-I want to see the pig-man. Show me the pig- man.


Oh, don't worry. I'm gonna show you, and you'll never be the same.


Maybe he's just a guy with a nose like this. (holds his nose up like a pig) You know a lot of people have a nose like this, they're not necessarily pig-men.


Believe me, Jerry, somewhere in this hospital the anguished 'oink' of pig-man cries out for help.


Well, if I hear an anguished 'oink', I'm outta here. I-I don't see any pig-men. Look (HE POINTS AT PASSERBY) Human, human, human... (HE LOOKS DOWN CORRIDOR, WITH ALARM.) (WITH MOCK ALARM) Wait a second! (Grabs Kramer)