The Lip Reader Season 5, Episode 6


Oh forget it, I hate those. Everytime I take one, the driver will *not* stop talking to me. No matter how disinterested I seem he just keeps yakking away. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Why does everything always have to have a social componant? Now a stage coach, that would have been a good situation for me. Cause I'm in the coach, and the driver is way up there on the stage.


Well you're not going to get a cab now. Four thirty in the afternoon? Read a magazine, keep your head down.


Yea, I guess that could work.


And that is it. The match to Ms. Natalia Valdoni. Coming up next, mens single, but for now let's stop a minute and take a look at our beautiful tennis center backdrop.


Hey, hey, it's George.