The Non-Fat Yogurt Season 5, Episode 7


I don't think it's so bad. People should wear name tags. Everyone would be a lot friendlier. 'Hello, Sam.' 'How are you doing, Joe?' (George's arm moves and hits the lamp) Hey, your arm. It moved again. I thought you said it went away.


I banged it on the desk in the doctor's office. An (worriedly rubbing his arm) aaaa . . .


Be quiet. They're starting the press conference.


My campaign staff has received some very disturbing information regarding the fat content in yogurt that's being sold throughout the city. I pledge to you now, that if I'm elected mayor, as my first order of business I'll appoint a special task force to investigate this matter. I promise you, my fellow New Yorkers, that Mayor Giuliani will do everything possible to cleanse this city of this falsified non-fat yogurt.


The old yogurt was so much better. Oh, this is terrible.