The Opposite Season 5, Episode 22


Oh ya alright... tell them I'll be right there. (tosses his handkerchief on Elaine's desk so he can tie his shoe) Oh man well, this is it, Elaine. You know, without this merger, we'd be out on the street. Boy, they sure saved us.


(noticing the forgotten handkerchief tries to stop call for Mr. Lippman with a mouth full of jujifruit) Oh, Mr. Lippman you forgot your handkerchief. Mr. Lippman, you forgot your handkerchief. It's on my desk.


(noticing Mr. Lippman in the hallway) Ah Lippman son. (Lippman smiles and is forced to enter his office) Lippman son. (speaks some Japanese)


Mr Lippman, it is with great pride that we undertake this partnership with your company.


I ... I'm sorry, I can't shake your hand right now. It's germs.