The Chaperone Season 6, Episode 1


I was a great admirer of Mrs. Onass-sis-sis-sis...


Hello, Karen? It's Jerry Seinfeld. Oh, that's very sweet of you. You know, you better be careful, you don't want to get too congenial. They'll slap that 'Miss Congeniality' on you, and you'll congene yourself right out of the contest. So, what time do you want to get together later? What? So what, we don't need the chaperone. (To George) The chaperone can't make it. (To Karen) Oh, you're not gonna get disqualified! So, we're not going? (Kramer enters.) Hold on one second. (To Kramer) Hey, what are you doing tonight?




I'm going out with one of the Miss America contestants, you wanna go?


What state?