The Mom & Pop Store Season 6, Episode 8


After the music. (The band starts playing directly behind Elaine. She is deafened by the loudness of the horns.)


Oh. Oh man. (Takes out a Kleenex and puts his head back. Jon Voight comes out of a doorway and hails a cab.)


Taxi! (Walks right by Kramer.) Taxi.


Hey! Jon Voight! Jon Voight! (Voight waves at Kramer and hurriedly gets in the cab. Kramer runs over to the car.) Hey, listen, can I ask you something? Listen, listen...(Leans in the the open back window of the cab. Defensively, Voight grabs Kramer's arm and bites it. Kramer screams. The cab speeds off leaving Kramer in the street, stunned.)


No Jon Voight Day, huh?