Male Unbonding Season 1, Episode 3


One day, you'll beg me to make your own pie.


(to the phone) Hi, Joel. This is Jerry. I hope you get this before you- Oh, Hi. Joel... Oh, you just came in... Listen, I can't make it to the game tonight... I, uh, have to tutor my nephew... Yeah, he's got an exam tomorrow... Geometry... You know, trapezoids, rhombus... Anyway, listen, you take the tickets. They're at the Will-Call window... And I'm really sorry... Have a good time... We'll talk next week... Okay... Yeah, I don't... Fine.. Fine... Bye.




I know. I'm really running out of excuses with this guy. I need some kind of excuse rolodex.


Come on, let's go do something. I don't wanna just sit around here.