The Ex-Girlfriend Season 2, Episode 1


Tell me if you think this is strange. There's this guy who lives in my building, who I was introduced to a couple of years ago by a friend. He's a uh teacher, or something. Anyway, after we met, whenever we'd run into each other on the street, or in the lobby, or whatever, we would stop and we would chat a little. Nothing much. Little pleasantries. He's a nice guy, he's got a family. Then after a while, I noticed there was not more stopping. Just saying hello and continuing on our way. And then the verbal hellos stopped, and we just went into these little sort of nods of recognition. So, fine. I figure, that's where this relationship is finally gonna settle: polite nodding. Then one day, he doesn't nod. Like I don't exist?! He went from nods to nothing.


(singing; imitating Tony Bennett) 'You know, I'd go from nods to nothing...'


And now, there's this intense animosity whenever we pass. I mean, it's like we really hate each other. It's based on nothing.


A relationship is an organism. You created this thing and then you starved it so it turned against you. Same thing happened in 'The Blob'.


I think you absolutely have to say something to this guy. Confront him.