The Ex-Girlfriend Season 2, Episode 1

Marlene, it must've been ninety-five degrees that night, and everyone's just standing around the pool with little drinks in their hands. I was wearing my old jeans and t-shirt. And I don't know, I was just in one of those moods. So I said to myself, 'Marlene, just do it.' And I jumped in. And as I'm getting out, I feel all these eyes on me, and I look up and everyone is just staring at me.


So what'd you do?


Well, nothing. It's no skin off my hide if people like to look. I just didn't see what the big attraction was.


Well, I have a general idea what it was. I could take a guess.


Hey, you know, Jerry, just because George and I don't see each other anymore, it doesn't mean we shouldn't stay friends.