The Pony Remark Season 2, Episode 2


Not necessarily.


Who figures and immigrant's gonna have a pony?


What is the pony? What is the point of the pony? Why do we have these animals, these ponies? What do we do with them? Besides the pony ride. Why ponies? What are we doing with them? I mean, police don't use them for, you know, crowd control. (Jerry crouches down, and makes like he's riding a pony.) 'Hey, uh, you wanna get back behind the barricades. Hey! Hey, little boy. Yeah, I'm talking to you. Behind the barricades!' So somebody, I assume, genetically engineered these ponies. Do you think they could make them any size? I mean, could they make them like the size of a quarter, if they wanted? That would be fun for Monopoly, though, wouldn't it? Just have a little pony and you put him on the... 'Baltic, that's two down, go ahead. Hold it. Right there. Baltic. Yeah, that's it. Fine. Right there, hold it right there.'