The Apartment Season 2, Episode 5


Boy, too bad. If I was up there, you'd never hear a peep out of me. I'm as quiet as a mouse.


Oh, I love the one they do right after this one! (Starts dancing)


I don't know. What do you do when a neighbor is making, like, a lot of noise at three o'clock in the morning? I mean, can you knock on someone's door and tell them to keep it down? You're really altering your whole self-image. I mean, what am I, Fred Mertz now? What's happening to me? Can I do this? Am I a shusher? I used to be a shushee. There's a lot of shushing going on in movie theaters. People are always shushing. 'Shh... shh... shhh... shhh...' Doesn't work, 'cause nobody knows where a shush is coming from. They just hear a shh. 'Was that a shush? I think somebody just shushed me.' Some people you can't shush in a movie theater. There's always that certain group of people, isn't it? They're talking and talking, and everyone around them is shushing them, and shushing them. They won't shush. They're the unshushables.